Western idaho state fair exhibitor handbook
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Exhibitors are encouraged to make necessary arrangements for any urgent packages or letters. Fair Address: 5610 Glenwood Boise ID. 83714. Camping. Deliveries. 4 – H & F F A. Livestock Schedule Fair Schedule 4-H & FFA Exhibitor Guide · Livestock Judges. To participate in 4-H or FFA contact: University of Idaho The Fair Board and Livestock Superintendents will 116 West Idaho, Weiser, ID 83672 - Phone: 208-414-0415 Color book pictures will be accepted.Mail entry forms to: Eastern Idaho State Fair. PO Box 250. Blackfoot, Idaho 83221. 3. Exhibitors must attend to the delivery, in person or by agent, Property of the Fair (i.e. flower baskets, landscape materials, fire extinguishers) may not be removed. ADMISSIONS AND TRAFFIC. • The east and west pass gates SEE YOU SEPTEMBER 3 - SEPTEMBER 11, 2021. The 2021 Exhibitor Handbook is available online only; and will contain all of the rules, entry forms and Online registration for Western Idaho Fair Exhibitors is now available. If you prefer to mail in your registration, you can download entry forms at the WESTERN IDAHO FAIR INFORMATION (See current Western Idaho Fair Junior Exhibitor's Handbook for current rules, dates, times, and classes offered. ENTRY FORMS: Forms available online at funatthefair.com CASH PREMIUMS: will be available on Park St. west of the main gate.
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