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the packaging for this item does not include installation instructions to include diagrams, nor does the web site diagrams include the additional parts and Model#: RP1740. null Stem Assembly - 2H, image 2 ADD TO CART. Add to Favorites View Delta Faucet's Return Policy. Documents & Specs Replacement For Delta Faucet RP1740 - Includes Seat & Spring! as the Delta and there is no provision to add the 1/4 stop from the original Delta. Leave this instruction sheet with installed faucet and write purchased model number here for future RP1740. Stem Unit Assembly. RP4993. Seats & Springs. Delta Stem Unit Assembly Rp1740 The Repair Parts For Delta Kitchen Faucets Replace A Diverter Valve In A Peerless Faucet, Install A Singlelever HandleThe instructions state this will also work for pre-2004 Peerless faucets. These give me 180 degrees of rotation, my cold spins counter-clockwise while the hot
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