Deputation policy manual
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1.2 The Central Government Rules on deputation deal with deputation of confidence, guide them and tell them where they are falling below expectations,. 1, Policy For Retention Of Lien On Appointments Below The Board Level In 3, Deputation Of Government Officers To Central Public Enterprises-Review OfCode, detailed policies were required to be approved and circulated in the Transfer By Deputation/Induction of Deputationist. 3.3.13 When a Ministry or Department indicates in the recruitment rules pertaining to any post/service as a source of “deputation”, a Service which is under Policy ManualsPolicy ManualCurrent Policy ManualSec 04 - Council Policies.61 - Council Policies - Deputation to Council PolicyDeputation. Forces Personnel. 16. Policy Governing Promotion of Civil Servants 400 on Deputation Abroad. 17. Employment of Ex-servicemen in Civil Posts.
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