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nginx. RED TEK® LeakStop, an a/c seal treatment from Thermofluid Technologies, is a formulated system designed to seal rubber parts and o-rings of air 5th ANN ELECTRONICS A8 CARS 5A AUTO TECH 60 AVIATION & SPACE 66 MEDICAL TECH / COMPUTERS 73 RECREATION 82 HOME TECH 86 GENERAL TECH GO PHOTOGRAPHY Q6 ProSeal is chemically activated by moisture at the leak site to form a permanent seal. This product is for HOME AC systems. ProSeal12 is available forKit includes: 2 cans red tek 12a REFRIGERANT 1 can red tek LeakStop 1 High Installation instructions Decals A/C Oil AnalyzerProSeal A/C Leak Repair Kit Buy RED TEK ProSeal12 A/C Seal Treatment (4 oz. can): Sealants ProSeal is chemically activated by moisture at the leak site to form a permanent seal. RED TEK ProSeal12 is a formulated system designed to seal leaks in both metal and activated by moisture at the leak site to form a permanent seal. ProSeal is chemically activated by moisture at the leak site to form a permanent seal. This product is for R22 Systems. (For 134a and 12a systems,
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